Karen Roberts Turner
Author | Attorney | Speaker
I'm attorney-turned-author.
My award-winning debut novel, The Other Twin, is written about young African-American college students, but their experiences are relevant and relatable to readers of any age, gender, or ethnicity.
After surviving cancer twice, my mission has become to bring INSPIREMENT wherever I go.
INSPIREMENT is where Inspiration and Entertainment Meet

“Inspirement is that happy place at the intersection of inspiration and entertainment.”
Debut Release
The Other Twin
The Other Twin follows twin sisters, Ebony and Essence, as they experience the joys and pitfalls of college life and face the reality that a twin isn’t always a friend. As their “twinship” is tested, the ultimate question is whether it will survive.
An enrapturing and insightful coming-of-age story, The Other Twin has been well-received and has garnered rave reviews from readers of all ages, genders, and ethnicities. It was also named a 2023 Eric Hoffer Award Category Finalist.
The Other Twin has also captured the attention of educators and has been included as part of the curriculum in a Psychology course at a top HBCU and a community college English course.